The environments are not all that detailed and can be quite dark, but that is really just because this game is a product of its time. The monsters that you fight all are designed very well and I think that even now they have a nice amount of style to them. I know you may look at some video footage of King's Field IV: The Ancient City and think “Buzz, your girlfriend woof!” however, I think that at the time this was released, it was actually a very solid looking game. Look, games released back in 2002 were not as story driven as they are now so I kind of get it, but I get that some might have a hard time dealing with it. We play as a hero that is tasked with returning this cursed idol to where it came from and that will hopefully bring an end to the curse. The statue is actually a cursed idol and it brought destruction to the kingdom. The basics are that there was this nation that gave another nation this statue as a gift. There is not exactly an amazing story that runs through King's Field IV: The Ancient City. I recently dug it out and decided to give it a try after all these years and I was pleasantly surprised at how it held up. It never quite caught on as I think it was perhaps a bit too ahead of its time.

When this was released in the early 00s there were very few if any first-person action RPGs like this for the PlayStation 2. This was a fairly early PlayStation 2 game and even to this day, it is a bit of a hidden gem. Even though there is a 4 in the title, King's Field IV: The Ancient City was the first game in the series that I actually owned.