In our hands-on time with the game, we found Toem to be “a small adventure in an overwhelmingly interesting world.” Toem, from developer Something We Made, is a photo adventure game that should appeal to virtual photographers who dig fare like Pokémon Snap and Umurangi Generation. The base game’s roster includes 13 characters (one of them unlockable) with another dozen available through DLC. Unlike Guilty Gear, Granblue Fantasy: Versus takes a more straightforward, throwback approach to its fighting game mechanics. Granblue Fantasy: Versus, released in 2020, is a 1v1 fighting game developed by Guilty Gear studio Arc System Works and based on Cygames’ extremely popular free-to-play mobile game franchise. Developed by Ghost Games (now known as EA Gothenburg), Need for Speed Heat was a “a crowd-pleasing open-world arcade racer,” we said in our review, but an otherwise unremarkable and obligatory-feeling entry in the Need for Speed racing game franchise. Need for Speed Heat was originally published in 2019 for PS4, Windows PC, and Xbox One. All three games will be available to PS Plus subscribers through Oct.

Toem will be available to subscribers on PlayStation 5. 6, when September’s free PlayStation Plus games go live for Essential-level and higher subscribers. PlayStation 4 owners will be able to download Need for Speed Heat and Granblue Fantasy: Versus starting Sept. Need for Speed Heat, Granblue Fantasy : Versus, and Toem will be available for free to all PlayStation Plus subscribers in September, Sony announced Wednesday.